On my blog, I am very candid and open about my mental health. If I can help anyone through my own struggle I will. The more we are open about mental health the better we can conquer it and help to prevent things from getting way worse. 

I struggle with some of the worst mental health diagnoses when it comes to depression and anxiety. I won't get into all the various diagnoses because that is a little too personal and diagnoses are mostly for billing and insurance purposes anyways but I will be open about it and say that my depression and anxiety are always something that I struggle with and that I struggle with bipolar depression. I won't go into too much detail but let's just say I have gone through a lot of treatment over the years and have learned a lot about myself over the years.

Also, going through school to become a counselor myself has done nothing but help me for the better. I can't wait to one day help other people struggling. It has not always been easy for me and it never will be. A lot of the time, I struggle to even leave the house. A lot of people struggle with mental health. The pandemic has made my anxiety and depression worse. 

The fear of leaving the house is more real now than ever.

Lately, I have been struggling. I am not gonna lie. However, books and blogging have saved me more times than once this year and over the years. My blog makes me motivated to be better and to be the best version of myself despite my terrible mental health.

Blogging has pushed me to do something productive and to use my brain to read in times when I have not felt like it. It has even helped me in times when I had no income coming in. For this, my blog has been nothing but a blessing.

At times, the literary community and blogging community has made me feel not alone. It is important to remember that when it comes to mental health sometimes it feels like there is no hope at all. It can feel very isolative but I am here to tell you that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel no matter how dark it may seem.

I read way more...

Plus blogging, in general, has upped my reading game. Since I started blogging, I read way more each year and this has done nothing but help me in the long run. My knowledge of life and more has expanded because of this.

Writing empowers me.

When I blog and my readers actually care what I have to say is a huge confidence booster. It makes me feel like people actually care. If I can help anyone in life feel better this is the greatest life accomplishment for me.

Purposeful writing has psychological benefits such as lowering anxiety, reducing ruminative thoughts and depressive symptoms. Writing offers a unique sense of purpose and achievement, and the opportunity to develop important and rewarding writing skills.

I can attest to this fact being completely true because there are many times when I have used my blog and writing to be a coping skill when I am depressed or anxious.... after, I immediately feel better. 

Helps me to learn more about myself

Blogging has been a great way for me to self-reflect on my life and the many struggles that come with it. It helps me to express myself freely without the fear of being judged.

I Blog for my Mental Health

The American Psychological Association (APA) even supports expressing our thoughts and feelings in expressive arts that include blogging, journaling, art, music, theatre, and dance.

Blogging allows me to process grow, connect, and in return leads to healing for me.

Just the act of writing helps to slow down my brain. Slowing the brain down increases that healing response in my nervous system, which in turn brings healing to my mind, body, and spirit.

Blogging actually helps to lessen my social anxiety and emotional distress.

Blogging taught me to take care of myself first

If I do not have my mental health then I cannot do anything. I can't read let alone blog. My mental health will always come first and blogging has helped me to realize this. 

Your mental health is always #1!

Blogging has allowed me to do what I love doing

This never feels like a job to me. I love writing. You always reap the most rewards in life when you do something you truly love. Time always seems to fly by when you enjoy what you are doing.

I have learned more about myself.

I have learned more about what I like and don't like but also my habits. Through blogging, I have learned about what makes me lazy and what leads me to procrastinate. It has pushed me to work harder on deadlines and get stuff done.

Pushed me to communicate with people

I have stepped outside of my comfort zone many times while blogging and have had to contact other bloggers for help along the way. I am an introvert by nature and blogging has truly pushed me outside of my comfort zone but in a good way. Blogging has pushed me to be the best version of myself. Mental health issues can be very isolative and blogging pushes you to connect with others and it is truly a magical thing.

My blog gives me a sense of accomplishment but it also gives me an escape from the world and my mental health.

Sometimes, I need to focus on something positive and my blog does just that for me. Mental health issues suck and my blog is a way for me to escape from it. Blogging is a great distraction.

Blogging has made me a better writer.

I honestly think I am a better writer and doing better in school because of my blog. Blogging has pushed me to write and in return, I have become a better writer because of it. It has taught me how to be professional when it comes to my writing. This has helped my perfectionism and mental health when it comes to school. Better papers = better grades and better mental health.


How has blogging saved you over the years? 
Do you struggle with mental illness too? 
Let's help to end the stigma of mental illness but also increase awareness.
You are not less than because you struggle with mental illness.