Supreme Realization: A Journey into the Depths of Consciousness
Author: Anthony Nayagan
Genre: Christianity, secularism, contemplation, mysticism
Published: May 31st, 2020
Publisher: SR Publishing
Pages: 372
The mission of this book is to reach out to all those who have left the Church. Devastating sex scandals and abuses of power have pushed people away from the Church and from God. Meanwhile, the Church continues to recover from its mistakes while failing to go after the people who are leaving. Christ, the Good Shepherd, told us to go after that one sheep that was lost. More than half of Americans are disenchanted with the Church, but most of them consider themselves spiritual or religious. Carl Rahner said, “In the days ahead, Christians will either be a mystic (one who has experienced God for real) or nothing at all.” "Nothing" is more and more becoming a reality, as millions of people leave the Churches. Invariably Mystical Theology must be reinvented so that everyone can embrace modern-day Christian Mysticism in their daily lives. Supreme Realization is one-hundred-percent inspired, a real-life journal of a Catholic, an ordinary sinful man who searched for Truth in all religions, even leaving the Church and staying away from it for more than twenty-five years. It is a study of Christianity in light of modern scientific discoveries that recommends a deep-seated approach based on Mystical Theology for people of all religions, for everyday life. It breaks down complex theological and spiritual subject matters such as consciousness and self-realization and recommends pragmatic approaches for a fulfilled life in spirituality. It conveys a message that there is hope in Christ. This hope promises healing, prosperity, peace, and joy from a spiritual life in Christ with or without the involvement of Churches. 

I am organizing a book blitz for the book SUPREME REALIZATION. The blitz will run from June 29th - July 6thThere will be five winners for this blitz. 

The author is giving away five free copies of the book. You are encouraged to post on all your social media as well. This will help the author gain traction for their book!

Anthony Nayagan left the Church altogether in his twenties, learned Vedas, Vedanta, other sacred writings in eastern religions, and avidly practiced Hinduism for three decades. Ten years before writing this book, he found his way back to the Church. His degrees do not merit writing this book.  His life experiences, interests, critical reading, radical thinking, contemplative meditation, and interpersonal relationship with The Divine contributed to this work. This book is a journey of one who searched for the Truth all his life. The author was a teenage alcoholic, suffered homelessness, clinical and spiritual depressions, and encountered all sorts of abuses as a child. He met with divorce, loss of children, and bankruptcies. He states, "My life experiences did not defeat me. Instead, they made me stronger in the joy of gratefulness to God. In all these experiences, God remained faithful to make me learn that every attachment I held on to, is based on dualistic foundations. These will eventually perish. What is joyous and everlasting is the blessings based on wholesome knowledge; that is, the Wisdom of God." He is married to Shaila and living a blessed life with five children and three grandchildren between them.
