I love making new goals at the beginning of a new year. It is always super exciting for me to start off a new year of reading. Not to mention, adding in all of those new bookish goals that I would like to complete over the next year.

Each year, of course, I always set a reading goal of how many books that I would like to read in the year. This year, I set that goal to 50 books once again! I never want to overestimate. I am already starting this year off strong by completing 3 books already this month. Hopefully, this year I can read even more than I did last year. Getting my bookshelves cleaned out and read is always a must. My shelves at home have way too many books that I have not read yet.

Here is a list of things that I am going to try to implement in my reading life. That way I can above and beyond exceed all of my reading goals this year.

1. Never leave the house without a book

- I know this tip may seem simple but it truly does work. I always have a book on me no matter where I go. An easy way to do this without having a lot of room is to download the Kindle app. Plus, it leaves out the awkwardness of holding a book randomly in public. Everyone stares at their phone in this generation. So, why not get some good old reading done. You will be surprised at how much more you can read just by doing so throughout the day in random places. There is a lot of downtime in the day that we don't plan for. You are already checking out your phone... so why not get some extra reading time in too?

2. Read more classics 

- I want to devote more time to reading classics this year. Books are classics for a reason and I want to expand my mind. Most of my five-star books or favorite books of all time are classics. I have tons of them on my bookshelves right now and they need to be read.

3. Write a book review for almost every book you read this year

- This year, just like last year, I am making my blog a main priority of mine. I love what I do and sharing it with the world. I want to make a commitment to write book reviews for pretty much every single book that I read this year. I was really good at writing them last year.

4. Read books outside of my comfort zone

- We all know that I love reading young adult fiction, thrillers, and contemporaries. However, I really want to make a point in reading from genres that I normally don't. For one, horror has recently sparked my interest. I also need to get onto the fantasy train.

5. Be more active on Instagram and Youtube

- I really need to start making videos on Youtube again. It's a lot of work but it was something that I really enjoyed. Video editing has always been a passion of mine. For some reason, I have a hard time being as active with Instagram but I really want to up my Instagram page more this year as well. Since photography is another passion too.

6. If the tv show or movie is a book then read it 

- Lately, every single time that I turn on the tv or a movie... I find out the story originated from a book. If so, I have to read the book too. Ideally, reading the book before watching the tv show or movie.

7. Continue writing my novel

- Gosh, will I ever finish my book? It's been months since I have worked on it. Lately, I have been having way more fun blogging. It's not that I am not passionate about my story anymore. I just would rather focus most of my time on my blog. One day, hopefully, it will be done.

Well, there you have it. Those are my bookish resolutions for this year. Do we have anything in common? What do you want to do differently this year as far as your reading goes? Let's chat in the comments down below.
