Like a Shag on a Rock
Author: Vaughan Humphries
- Pages: 293 pages
- Publisher: Albury Books
- Publication Date: April 6, 2014
Tom is having second thoughts about his relationship with Janice. She’d been so carefree and eccentric when they’d fallen in love. Now he feels trapped in a poisoned relationship. She’s taken all the fun out of life with her militant vegetarianism, organic whines—err, organic wines and homemade aphrodisiacs. Now she’s just crazy - and her kooky friends are no better. But the craziness in Tom’s life only truly begins when she kicks him out and he hastily answers a room advertisement for what appears at first to be the perfect escape - a bachelor pad in the heart of Oxford. When the door is opened by his mysterious acquaintance, John, it seems as though fate has stepped in, and Tom quickly settles back into a life of blissful carnivorous freedom. Although Tom is no longer under Janice’s control, he unwittingly remains the victim of manipulation – this time from John – who wields far more influence over Tom’s personal life than he is aware of. Between their girlfriends, the weird smell in the front of the house, John’s secret agenda and police escapades at the neighborhood grocer’s, eccentricity and crazy take on an entirely new meaning! This wonderfully hilarious coming of age story is just what the doctor ordered…with a pint and fish and chips, of course! Get your copy today and laugh your troubles away!
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Vaughan Humphries was born in Lower Hutt, New Zealand, and has spent the better half of his life to date staying as far away from the place as possible. After a string of successful columns in local newspapers, he was coerced into writing a feature-length book, some of which might have made it into the final cut you see before you. He currently lives in rural Oxfordshire and has developed a taste for Guinness and old cars.
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